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Maebashi Primary Clinic



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AM8:30-12:00 PM2:30-5:30

¢¤Maebashi-kyoritu Hospital

Maebashi Primary Clinic

51-3, Kamisatori, Maebashi, Gunma 371-0816 Japan

TEL : 027-289-2651


detailed map (Jpns)

Welcome to Maebashi Primary Clinic.¡¡



Our clinic is located in southeren part of Maebashi-city, Gunma-prefecture of Japan. A Chief doctor is an authorized doctor of Urology, Allergiology and Kanpo medicine.

We, all staffs of our clinic, are hoping to meet you at our office. We wish your good luck, thank you.


phone: 027-289-4651

mail us: ¥á¡¼¥ë 











 Primary Care

Common diseases, small surgeries, medical check 

and public health


Bacterial nfections, urolithiasis and neoplasms in urogenital organs. (Authorized Urologist)


Allergic diseases in nasopharynx,  respiratory organs, skin and whole body. (Authorized Allergologist)

 Jpns Trad. Med.

Japanese Kanpo medications and acupunctures. (Authorized Kanpo Dctor)

 Travel Medicine

Support the preparation for long fright and for circumstances in foreign counties

 Male Med.¡¦£Å£Ä

Healthcare for adult male life.

 Sexl int-related Med

Genitourinary diseases being related to sexual intercourses mainly for male patients.

 Costs and Benefits

 in Medical Service

Information about costs in medical services in Maeebashi, Gunma prefecture, Japan.